Sunday, January 16, 2011

Some news in RL and SL

RL news is that I have a temp job, found out 2 Fridays ago. I went for an interview, more like just filling out forms and meeting with a staffing agency supervisor. I'm all set for a few months. It's good.

SL news...

I'm setting up a store in SL. A friend is helping me out. I haven't seen him in a few days, so I'm a little concerned. If I don't see him soon, I may look for another place for my store. I can find a little place and maybe have only 50 prims. The friend gave me 150, but I can do fine with less. The store had at least one visitor already. Someone got 2 free avatar startup kits for male and females...given to me by brinda. Great idea! Last night I set up a welcome mat, online status indicator, tip jar, W E vendor, and a Palais kiosk. I will add a Benares advertisement as well. And of course, put up more stuff. I'm still working on the sign, but I know what I'll call my store and that I also want to create some of my own stuff. I'm trying to learn QAvimator, Blender/Jass, Gimp, and some scripting. Wish me luck!

Little piece of news...I think I know how to organize my inventory better. It'll take me a long time, but I'll get that number down.

Last but not least, I will pray for Raven and all of her loved ones. It's so hard to deal with losing someone you deeply love.


Brinda said...
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Brinda said...

Yes I did! Since I'm SO PERFECT \I didn't need to preview...not!
All of that is great news dear... I am so proud of you, you are doing what will help keep Secondlife alive.
Secondlife as we know it must be more than standing at a welcome area and chatting, I feel that we must all contribute in our own ways.